Berita Teknologi


Bagaimana Industri Kreatif Indonesia Merambah Pasar Global?

Edukasi | Internasional | Teknologi | Tips & Trik | Trending Topik | Rabu, 15 Januari 2025 - 13:33 WIB

Rabu, 15 Januari 2025 - 13:33 WIB

Indonesia, dengan kekayaan budaya dan tradisi yang beragam, memiliki potensi besar dalam pengembangan industri kreatif. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, industri kreatif Indonesia berhasil menggabungkan…


Masa Depan Pekerjaan Jarak Jauh: Tren dan Prediksi untuk 2025

Bisnis | Edukasi | Teknologi | Tips & Trik | Trending Topik | Rabu, 8 Januari 2025 - 11:53 WIB

Rabu, 8 Januari 2025 - 11:53 WIB

Pekerjaan jarak jauh telah menjadi salah satu perubahan paling signifikan dalam dunia kerja selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Pandemi COVID-19 mempercepat adopsi kerja jarak jauh…


Inovasi Desa Cerdas: Membangun Komunitas Berkelanjutan di Pedalaman Indonesia

Daerah | Nasional | Teknologi | Tips & Trik | Selasa, 7 Januari 2025 - 11:52 WIB

Selasa, 7 Januari 2025 - 11:52 WIB

Indonesia, dengan lebih dari 75.000 desa, memiliki tantangan besar dalam pembangunan yang merata. Desa-desa di pedalaman sering kali terpinggirkan dari perkembangan teknologi dan akses…


Elon Musk Beri Akses Starlink untuk Organisasi Bantuan di Gaza

Internasional | Teknologi | Trending Topik | Senin, 30 Oktober 2023 - 14:05 WIB

Senin, 30 Oktober 2023 - 14:05 WIB

Xwarta, Jakarta – Miliarder Elon Musk mengatakan, Starlink SpaceX akan mendukung hubungan komunikasi di Gaza dengan organisasi bantuan yang diakui secara internasional, Sabtu (28/10/2023). Pemadaman…

These are just a few of the latest developments in the world of R&B music. With so many talented artists and exciting collaborations, the genre is sure to continue evolving and delighting fans for years to come.


The Latest News in R&B Music: A Look at Super Bowl Performances, New Albums, Rising Stars, and Tribute to Aaliyah

Internasional | Medan | Teknologi | Rabu, 29 Maret 2023 - 05:50 WIB

Rabu, 29 Maret 2023 - 05:50 WIB

R&B music has been a staple of popular culture for decades, with its smooth melodies, soulful vocals, and heartfelt lyrics. In recent years, the…

It's important for aspiring models to understand the realities of this industry and to be prepared to work hard and persevere in order to achieve their goals


Behind the Scenes of Modeling: The Truth About What it Takes to be a Successful Model

Teknologi | Selasa, 28 Maret 2023 - 23:02 WIB

Selasa, 28 Maret 2023 - 23:02 WIB

Modeling is a glamorous and highly sought-after career, but the truth behind the scenes is that it takes hard work, dedication, and persistence to…

Players can move around in a virtual environment, interacting with objects and characters in a way that feels incredibly natural.


Beyond Reality: Exploring the Future of Gaming with Virtual Reality Technology

Teknologi | Selasa, 28 Maret 2023 - 22:50 WIB

Selasa, 28 Maret 2023 - 22:50 WIB

Virtual Reality (VR) is an emerging technology that has the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry. With VR, players can immerse themselves in a…

 the rise of mobile gaming has had a significant impact on the gaming industry, from the types of games being developed to the way gamers interact with each other


The Rise of Mobile Gaming: How Smartphones are Changing the Gaming Industry

Teknologi | Selasa, 28 Maret 2023 - 22:02 WIB

Selasa, 28 Maret 2023 - 22:02 WIB

Mobile gaming has exploded in popularity over the past decade, and smartphones are largely responsible for this trend. Today, mobile games account for a…